A partir desta semana, adotarei uma nova política de postagens. Como puderam perceber, eu não estava conseguindo acompanhar o meu objetivo (um álbum por dia), estava muito cansativo, e tinha dias que eu não estava em casa. Então resolvi que as postagens só serão feitas de acordo com a política do MysteryGuitarMan [:D], só postarei criticas nas terças e quintas! Então, don't forget to check my last tuesday review and my new thursday review! [:D]
From this week ownard, will adopt a new policy about the posts. As you can see, I coudn't make my goal (one album a day), it was too tiring, and there was some other days that I wasn't home. So I decided that the review will only be posted according to the MysteryGuitarMan's [:D] policy, a review on tuesday, and a review on thursday! So, don't forget to check my last tuesday review and my new thursday review! [:D]
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